Combining Silhouettes, Shading, and Volume Rendering for Surgery Education and Planning


We introduce a flexible combination of volume, surface, and line rendering. We employ object-based edge detection because this allows a flexible parametrization of the generated lines. Our techniques were developed mainly for medical applications using segmented patient-individual volume datasets. In addition, we present an evaluation of the generated visualizations with 8 medical professionals and 25 laypersons. Integration of lines in conventional rendering turned out to be appropriate.

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Main Reference:

Christian Tietjen, Tobias Isenberg, and Bernhard Preim (2005) Combining Silhouettes, Shading, and Volume Rendering for Surgery Education and Planning. In Ken W. Brodlie, David J. Duke, and Kenneth I. Joy, eds., Data Visualization: Proceedings of the Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis, June 1–3, Leeds, England, UK). Eurographics Association, Goslar, Germany, pages 303–310, 335, 2005.

BibTeX entry:

@INPROCEEDINGS{Tietjen:2005:CSS, author = {Christian Tietjen and Tobias Isenberg and Bernhard Preim}, title = {Combining Silhouettes, Shading, and Volume Rendering for Surgery Education and Planning}, booktitle = {Data Visualization: Proceedings of the Eurographics\ /\ IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis, June 1--3, Leeds, England, UK)}, series = {Eurographics Workshop Series}, OPTeditor = {Ken W. Brodlie and David J. Duke and Kenneth I. Joy}, year = {2005}, pages = {303--310, 335}, publisher = {Eurographics Association}, address = {Goslar, Germany}, doi = {10.2312/VisSym/EuroVis05/303-310}, doi_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }

Other References:

Tobias Isenberg (2005) Hybrid Medical Visualizations: Creation and Evaluation. In Mario Costa Sousa (ed.): Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)—Applied Research for the Medical Illustrator. The Association of Medical Illustrators, 2005.

BibTeX entry:

@INCOLLECTION{Isenberg:2005:HMV, author = {Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Hybrid Medical Visualizations: Creation and Evaluation}, booktitle = {Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)---Applied Research for the Medical Illustrator}, series = {Course Notes of the 60\textsuperscript{th} Annual AMI Conference 2005 (July\ 28--August\ 1, 2005, Thousand Oaks, California, USA)}, editor = {Mario Costa Sousa}, year = {2005}, publisher = {The Association of Medical Illustrators}, }
Christian Tietjen (2004) Evaluierung und Modifikation von Methoden zur Generierung von Liniengrafiken in der medizinischen Visualisierung [Evaluation and Modification of Methods for Generating Line Drawings in the Context of Medical Visualization]. Diplom thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, Germany, May 2004. In German.

BibTeX entry:

@MASTERSTHESIS{Tietjen:2004:EMM, author = {Christian Tietjen}, title = {{E}valuierung und {M}odifikation von {M}ethoden zur {G}enerierung von {L}iniengrafiken in der medizinischen {V}isualisierung [{E}valuation and Modification of Methods for Generating Line Drawings in the Context of Medical Visualization]}, type = {Diplom thesis}, year = {2004}, school = {Department of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg}, month = may, address = {Germany}, url2 = {}, pdf = {}, }

This work was done at the Department of Simulation and Graphics at the University of Magdeburg, Germany.

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