Touch Interaction with 3D Scientific Visualizations
In two position papers I have started to contemplate the implications of the use of direct-touch interaction for exploring 3D scientific datasets. The first paper (DEXIS 2011) analyzes the specific constraints of scientific visualization environments and their implications for the design of direct-touch interfaces for 3D data analysis and discusses potential future developments in this field. In the second paper (3DCHI 2012) I discuss the use of touch postures as opposed to the very general term ‘gestures’ to control the interaction modalities. This is an important questions because in scientific visualization it is necessary to combine numerous different interaction techniques (navigation, cutting plane manipulation, data probing, seed particle placement, etc.) using the same input space.
3DCHI 2012 paper download:
(1.1 MB)
DEXIS 2011 paper download:
(0.18 MB)
Additional material:
- Slides from the 3DCHI Workshop 2012 (PDF, 1.76 MB)
- Slides from the 2012 Dagstuhl Seminar on Touching the Third Dimension (PDF, 1.39 MB)
- Slides from the DEXIS Workshop 2011 (PDF, 0.72 MB)
This discussion in this viewpoint article relates to a number of projects/papers I have worked on, including the following:
- FI3D: Direct-Touch Interaction for the Exploration of 3D Scientific Visualization Spaces
- Efficient Structure-Aware Selection Techniques for 3D Point Cloud Visualizations with 2DOF Input
- A Design Study of Direct-Touch Interaction for Exploratory 3D Scientific Visualization
- Integrating 2D Mouse Emulation with 3D Manipulation for Visualizations on a Multi-Touch Table
This work was done at and in collaboration with the Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics Lab of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, the AVIZ project group of INRIA, France, and the LIMSI lab at CNRS, France.