Design Characterization for Black-and-White Textures in Visualization



We investigate the use of 2D black-and-white textures for the visualization of categorical data and contribute a summary of texture attributes, and the results of three experiments that elicited design strategies as well as aesthetic and effectiveness measures. Black-and-white textures are useful, for instance, as a visual channel for categorical data on low-color displays, in 2D/3D print, to achieve the aesthetic of historic visualizations, or to retain the color hue channel for other visual mappings. We specifically study how to use what we call geometric and iconic textures. Geometric textures use patterns of repeated abstract geometric shapes, while iconic textures use repeated icons that may stand for data categories. We parameterized both types of textures and developed a tool for designers to create textures on simple charts by adjusting texture parameters. \hty{30 visualization experts used our tool and designed 66 textured bar charts, pie charts, and maps.} We then had 150 participants rate these designs for aesthetics. Finally, with the top-rated geometric and iconic textures, our perceptual assessment experiment with 150 participants revealed that textured charts perform about equally well as non-textured charts, and that there are some differences depending on the type of chart.

Paper download:  (17.2 MB)

alt.VIS workshop paper download:  (37.9 MB)


Study materials and data:

Our study materials and data can be found in the following OSF repository: Our study pre-registrations are at,, and, respectively.



The software is available at The repository also contains the software for the texture design interface in its texture-design-interface subdirectory.


paper video:

pre-conference presentation video for IEEE VIS:

25 second paper preview for IEEE VIS:

pre-conference presentation video for the data embroidery workshop paper at alt.VIS 2023:

25 second paper preview for the data embroidery workshop paper at alt.VIS 2023:

Get the videos:

Pictures from main paper:

(these images as well as others from the paper are available under a CC-BY 4.0 license, see the license statement at the end of the paper)

Pictures from alt.VIS 2023 workshop paper:

(these images as well as others from the paper are available under a CC-BY 4.0 license, see the license statement at the end of the paper)

Poster presented at IEEE VIS (received the 🏆 InfoVis best poster design award) on the initial investigation:

Main Reference:

Tingying He, Yuanyang Zhong, Petra Isenberg, and Tobias Isenberg (2024) Design Characterization for Black-and-White Textures in Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(1):1019–1029, January 2024.

BibTeX entry:

@ARTICLE{He:2024:DCB, author = {Tingying He and Yuanyang Zhong and Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Design Characterization for Black-and-White Textures in Visualization}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, year = {2024}, volume = {30}, number = {1}, month = jan, pages = {1019--1029}, doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2023.3326941}, doi_url = {}, oa_hal_url = {}, preprint = {}, osf_url = {}, github_url = {}, url = {}, url2 = {}, pdf = {}, }

Other References:

Tingying He, Petra Isenberg, and Tobias Isenberg (2023) Data Embroidery with Black-and-White Textures. In Lonni Besançon, Derya Akbaba, Andrew McNutt, Sara Di Bartolomeo, and Victor Schetinger, eds., Proceedings of the alt.VIS Workshop (at IEEE VIS, 23 October, Melbourne, Australia)., article no. 3, 5 pages, 2023.

BibTeX entry:

@INPROCEEDINGS{He:2023:DEB, author = {Tingying He and Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Data Embroidery with Black-and-White Textures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the alt.VIS Workshop (at IEEE VIS, 23 October, Melbourne, Australia)}, OPTeditor = {Lonni Besançon and Derya Akbaba and Andrew McNutt and Di Bartolomeo, Sara and Victor Schetinger}, year = {2023}, pages = {3:1--3:5}, articleno = {3}, numpages = {5}, oa_hal_url = {}, preprint = {}, osf_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }
Yuanyang Zhong, Tobias Isenberg, and Petra Isenberg (2020) Black-and-White Textures for Visualization on E-ink Displays. In Alex Endert, Steffen Koch, Christophe Hurter, Michael Sedlmair, Daniel Jönsson, and Filip Sadlo, eds., Posters at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS, October 25–30, (virtually in) Salt Lake City, Utah). 2020. Extended abstract and poster, received the InfoVis 2020 Best Poster Design Award.

BibTeX entry:

@INPROCEEDINGS{Zhong:2020:BWT, author = {Yuanyang Zhong and Tobias Isenberg and Petra Isenberg}, title = {Black-and-White Textures for Visualization on E-ink Displays}, booktitle = {Posters at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS, October 25--30, (virtually in) Salt Lake City, Utah)}, OPTeditor = {Alex Endert and Steffen Koch and Christophe Hurter and Michael Sedlmair and Daniel J{\"o}nsson and Filip Sadlo}, year = {2020}, oa_hal_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }
Tingying He (2024) Encoding with Patterns: A Design Space and Evaluations. PhD thesis, Université Paris-Saclay, France, September 2024.

BibTeX entry:

@PHDTHESIS{He:2024:EPD, author = {Tingying He}, title = {Encoding with Patterns: A Design Space and Evaluations}, year = {2024}, school = {Universit{\'e} Paris-Saclay}, month = sep, address = {France}, oa_hal_url = {}, url = {}, url2 = {}, pdf = {}, }

This work was done at the AVIZ project group of Inria, France.