High Quality Hatching


Hatching lines are often used in line illustrations to convey tone and texture of a surface. In this paper we present methods to generate hatching lines from polygonal meshes and render them in high quality either at interactive rates for on-screen display or for reproduction in print. Our approach is based on local curvature information that is integrated to form streamlines on the surface of the mesh. We use a new algorithm that provides an even distribution of these lines. A special processing of these streamlines ensures high quality line rendering for both intended output media later on. While the streamlines are generated in a pre-processing stage, hatching lines are rendered either for vector-based printer output or on-screen display, the latter allowing for interaction in terms of changing the view parameters or manipulating the entire line shading model at run-time using a virtual machine.


Example vector graphic illustration embedded as an SVG file using only four colors and black.
The hatching creates the illusion of smooth shading.

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Main Reference:

Johannes Zander, Tobias Isenberg, Stefan Schlechtweg, and Thomas Strothotte (2004) High Quality Hatching. Computer Graphics Forum, 23(3):421–430, September 2004. Also see the technical report which contains additional details and examples.

BibTeX entry:

@ARTICLE{Zander:2004:HQH, author = {Johannes Zander and Tobias Isenberg and Stefan Schlechtweg and Thomas Strothotte}, title = {High Quality Hatching}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, year = {2004}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, month = sep, pages = {421--430}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-8659.2004.00773.x}, doi_url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2004.00773.x}, url = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/p/Zander2004HQH}, pdf = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/personal/papers/Zander_2004_HQH.pdf}, }

Other References:

Johannes Zander, Tobias Isenberg, Stefan Schlechtweg, and Thomas Strothotte (2004) Creating High Quality Hatching Illustrations. Technical Report, FIN Preprint Series 12/2004, Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, 2004. Also see the article in Computer Graphics Forum.

BibTeX entry:

@TECHREPORT{Zander:2004:CHQ, author = {Johannes Zander and Tobias Isenberg and Stefan Schlechtweg and Thomas Strothotte}, title = {Creating High Quality Hatching Illustrations}, type = {Technical Report, FIN Preprint Series}, year = {2004}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg}, number = {12/2004}, address = {Germany}, url = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/p/Zander2004HQH}, pdf = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/personal/papers/Zander_2004_CHQ.pdf}, }
Johannes Zander (2004) Erstellung qualitativ hochwertiger Illustrationen mit OpenNPAR [Generating High Quality Illustrations with OpenNPAR]. Honor’s thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2004. In German.

BibTeX entry:

@MASTERSTHESIS{Zander:2004:EQH, author = {Johannes Zander}, title = {{E}rstellung qualitativ hochwertiger {I}llustrationen mit {O}pen{NPAR} [{G}enerating High Quality Illustrations with {O}pen{NPAR}]}, type = {Honor's thesis}, year = {2004}, school = {Department of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg}, address = {Germany}, url2 = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/VideosAndDemos/Zander2004HQH}, pdf = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/personal/papers_students/Zander_2004_EQH.pdf}, }

This work was done at the Department of Simulation and Graphics at the University of Magdeburg, Germany.