Toward FAIR Visualization of Visualization Research



Findable, accessible, interoperable, and reproducible reserach is gaining increasing importance in our field. As visualization researchers this often relates to the data that we work with and the software we write to analyze it. In the past, my colleagues and I have tried to analyze our field of visualization itself by looking at its evaluation practices, its use of keywords in papers, and the papers we publish and present at our conerences. So in this talk I will share some of our experiences in doing so, and the challenges we faced and are facing to make and keep the respective data and software accessible to the community. I will talk about projects such as KeyVis (, Vispubdata (, and, most recently, VIS30K ( I will report on the challenges to acquire the data, share it, and create and maintain software tools to work with them.


Slides download:  (8.2 MB); the PowerPoint slides are aviable via OSF.


Tobias Isenberg (2023) Toward FAIR Visualization of Visualization Research. Keynote talk at the FAIRvis workshop (at EuroVis), June 2023.

BibTeX entry:

@MISC{Isenberg:2023:FV, author = {Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Toward FAIR Visualization of Visualization Research}, howpublished= {Keynote talk at the FAIRvis workshop (at EuroVis)}, year = {2023}, month = jun, doi = {10.17605/OSF.IO/R6ZCH}, doi_url = {}, osf_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }

This keynote reports about work that I have done together with many other researchers. I listed all the relevant papers and involved collaborators on the slides.