Towards an Understanding of Mobile Touch Navigation in a Stereoscopic Viewing Environment for 3D Data Exploration



We discuss touch-based navigation of 3D visualizations in a combined monoscopic and stereoscopic viewing environment. We identify a set of interaction modes, and a workflow that helps users transition between these modes to improve their interaction experience. In our discussion we analyze, in particular, the control-display space mapping between the different reference frames of the stereoscopic and monoscopic displays. We show how this mapping supports interactive data exploration, but may also lead to conflicts between the stereoscopic and monoscopic views due to users' movement in space; we resolve these problems through synchronization. To support our discussion, we present results from an exploratory observational evaluation with domain experts in fluid mechanics and structural biology. These experts explored domain-specific datasets using variations of a system that embodies the interaction modes and workflows; we report on their interactions and qualitative feedback on the system and its workflow.

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Main Reference:

David López, Lora Oehlberg, Candemir Doger, and Tobias Isenberg (2016) Towards an Understanding of Mobile Touch Navigation in a Stereoscopic Viewing Environment for 3D Data Exploration. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(5):1616–1629, May 2016.

BibTeX entry:

@ARTICLE{Lopez:2016:TUM, author = {David L{\'o}pez and Lora Oehlberg and Candemir Doger and Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Towards an Understanding of Mobile Touch Navigation in a Stereoscopic Viewing Environment for {3D} Data Exploration}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, year = {2016}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, month = may, pages = {1616--1629}, doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2015.2440233}, doi_url = {}, oa_hal_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }

Other References:

David López, Lora Oehlberg, Candemir Doger, and Tobias Isenberg (2014) Tablet-Based Interaction for Immersive 3D Data Exploration. In Gennady Andrienko, Enrico Bertini, Niklas Elmqvist, Bongshin Lee, Heike Leitte, and Hamish Carr, eds., Posters at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS, November 9–14, Paris, France). 2014. Extended abstract and poster.

BibTeX entry:

@INPROCEEDINGS{Lopez:2014:IDG, author = {David L{\'o}pez and Lora Oehlberg and Candemir Doger and Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Tablet-Based Interaction for Immersive {3D} Data Exploration}, booktitle = {Posters at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS, November 9--14, Paris, France)}, OPTeditor = {Gennady Andrienko and Enrico Bertini and Niklas Elmqvist and Bongshin Lee and Heike Leitte and Hamish Carr}, year = {2014}, oa_hal_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }
David López Betancur (2014) Remote Touch Interaction with Stereoscopic Visualizations. Master's thesis, University of Antioquia, Colombia, November 2014.

BibTeX entry:

@MASTERSTHESIS{Lopez:2014:RTI, author = {David L{\'o}pez Betancur}, title = {Remote Touch Interaction with Stereoscopic Visualizations}, year = {2014}, school = {University of Antioquia}, month = nov, address = {Colombia}, url2 = {}, pdf = {}, }
Candemir Döğer (2014) Interactive Multiview Information Visualization in Tablet-Sized Touch Devices for Scientific Data. Master's thesis, Sabancı University, Turkey, January 2014.

BibTeX entry:

@MASTERSTHESIS{Doger:2014:IMV, author = {Candemir D{\"o}{\u{g}}er}, title = {Interactive Multiview Information Visualization in Tablet-Sized Touch Devices for Scientific Data}, year = {2014}, school = {Sabanc\i University}, month = jan, address = {Turkey}, url2 = {}, pdf = {}, }

This work was done at the AVIZ project group of INRIA, France.