Example-Based Stippling using a Scale-Dependent Grayscale Process



We present an example-based approach to synthesizing stipple illustrations for static 2D images that produces scale-dependent results appropriate for an intended spatial output size and resolution. We show how treating stippling as a grayscale process allows us to both produce on-screen output and to achieve stipple merging at medium tonal ranges. At the same time we can also produce images with high spatial and low color resolution for print reproduction. In addition, we discuss how to incorporate high-level illustration considerations into the stippling process based on discussions with and observations of a stipple artist. The implementation of the technique is based on a fast method for distributing dots using halftoning and can be used to create stipple images interactively.

Paper download:  (NPAR version, 11.2 MB),  (C&G extended version, 21.9 MB)


You can download a demo of the stippling tool (for Win32 and Linux–64bit; 13.7MB) and try it out for yourself.


Additional Material:

  • benchmark images (ZIP, 110MB) used in the papers to produce the example results, as well as additional images for testing; both original images and the pre-processed versions are included



Domingo Martín, Germán Arroyo, M. Victoria Luzón, and Tobias Isenberg (2011) Scale-Dependent and Example-Based Stippling. Computers & Graphics, 35(1):160–174, February 2011.

BibTeX entry:

@ARTICLE{Martin:2011:SDE, author = {Domingo Mart{\'i}n and Germ{\'a}n Arroyo and M. Victoria Luz{\'o}n and Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Scale-Dependent and Example-Based Stippling}, journal = {Computers \& Graphics}, year = {2011}, volume = {35}, number = {1}, month = feb, pages = {160--174}, doi = {10.1016/j.cag.2010.11.006}, doi_url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2010.11.006}, oa_hal_url = {https://hal.science/hal-00781505}, url = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/p/Martin2010EBS}, pdf = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/personal/papers/Martin_2011_SDE.pdf}, }
Domingo Martín, Germán Arroyo, M. Victoria Luzón, and Tobias Isenberg (2010) Example-Based Stippling using a Scale-Dependent Grayscale Process. In John Collomosse and Morgan McGuire, eds., Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR, June 7–10, Annecy, France). ACM, New York, pages 51–61, 2010. Also see the extended article in Computers & Graphics.

BibTeX entry:

@INPROCEEDINGS{Martin:2010:EBS, author = {Domingo Mart{\'i}n and Germ{\'a}n Arroyo and M. Victoria Luz{\'o}n and Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Example-Based Stippling using a Scale-Dependent Grayscale Process}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR, June 7--10, Annecy, France)}, OPTeditor = {John Collomosse and Morgan McGuire}, year = {2010}, pages = {51--61}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York}, doi = {10.1145/1809939.1809946}, doi_url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1809939.1809946}, url = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/p/Martin2010EBS}, pdf = {https://tobias.isenberg.cc/personal/papers/Martin_2010_EBS.pdf}, }

This work was done at and in collaboration with the Computer Graphics Group at the University of Granada, Spain.