A Metadata Collection about IEEE Visualization (VIS) Publications
We have created and made available to all a dataset with information about every paper that has appeared at the IEEE Visualization (VIS) set of conferences: InfoVis, SciVis, VAST, and Vis. The information about each paper includes its title, abstract, authors, and citations to other papers in the conference series, among many other attributes. This article describes the motivation for creating the dataset, as well as our process of coalescing and cleaning the data, and a set of three visualizations we created to facilitate exploration of the data. This data is meant to be useful to the broad data visualization community to help understand the evolution of the field and as an example document collection for text data visualization research.
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Please note that in the published paper, in Section 2.2, we incorrectly state that “The original IEEE Visualization Conference changed its name in 2013 to the IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference using the acronym SciVis.” The correct statement is “The original IEEE Visualization Conference changed its name in 2012 to the IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference using the acronym SciVis.” Figures 1 and 2 are also incorrect with respect to when they show this renaming of the conference. Updated images for the figures are included below.
paper presentation at IEEE 2017:
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These two images above are explicitly placed into the public domain. If you use them in your own work we would still appreciate a citation to our journal article.
This work was a collaboration between the AVIZ project group of Inria, France, the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, USA, the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems at the , Germany, the Visualization and Data Analysis research group at the University of Vienna, Austria, and the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering department of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA.