Personal Experiences of Providing and Using Research Prototypes



I report on my personal experiences as a student, researcher, supervisor, and collaborator about providing and using research prototype software (i.e., demos). Based on an analysis of my own research activities in computer graphics and visualization, I discuss problems of providing demo software for our own projects, problems of running such software years after the release, and problems of accessing such prototypes after several years. I conclude that both source code and demos should be encouraged, provide some recommendations on how to do the latter, and call for a more active support of sharing this part of a scientific contribution within the Open Science movement.

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EuroVis EG Logo 2022 presentation slides:  (8.0 MB)

Main Reference:

Tobias Isenberg (2022) Personal Experiences of Providing and Using Research Prototypes. In Christina Gillmann, Michael Krone, Guido Reina, and Thomas Wischgoll, eds., Proceedings of VisGap – The Gap between Visualization Research and Visualization Software (Workshop at EuroVis). Eurographics Association, Goslar, Germany, pages 17–22, 2022.

BibTeX entry:

@INPROCEEDINGS{Isenberg:2022:PEP, author = {Tobias Isenberg}, title = {Personal Experiences of Providing and Using Research Prototypes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of VisGap -- The Gap between Visualization Research and Visualization Software (Workshop at EuroVis)}, OPTeditor = {Christina Gillmann and Michael Krone and Guido Reina and Thomas Wischgoll}, year = {2022}, pages = {17--22}, publisher = {Eurographics Association}, address = {Goslar, Germany}, doi = {10.2312/visgap.20221059}, doi_url = {}, oa_gold_url = {}, oa_hal_url = {}, url = {}, pdf = {}, }


presentation at the VisGap workshop at EuroVis EG Logo 2022:

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This work was done at the AVIZ project group of Inria, France.