Silhouette/Contour Detection on Polygonal Models
Generating object silhouettes/contours lies at the heart of non-photorealism. This article surveys algorithms for computing polygonal model silhouettes/contours to help find the optimal approach for developers' specific needs. In particular, we distinguish between image-space, hybrid, and object-space techniques and investigate their respective suitability for stylization. For this purpose also speed-up techniques to object-space silhouette extraction techniques are described.
Paper download:
(1.7 MB)
Some of the silhouette detection techniques can be seen in this tool:
- Silhouette generation and stylization demo v1.3 (Win32, 3.7 MB; also works under Linux using Wine)
- Models to be used with the demo (2.2 MB)
Main Reference:
This work was done at the Department of Simulation and Graphics at the University of Magdeburg, Germany.