Class /


Class Organization

* Readings

Lab Sessions

Polytech Extension

Raytracing Gallery

Lab Sessions Overview percent right percent edit SideBar



This is a list of slides used in the lectures (the numbers do not correspond to the lecture numbers, they are just the sequence in which the slides were used). Future slides will be posted after each of the lectures.

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic CG Refreshing
  3. Advanced Illumination & BRDF
  4. Global Illumination
  5. Graphics Hardware
  6. Realtime Raytracing on the GPU
  7. Shadow Computation
  8. Subsurface Scattering
  9. Curves and Surfaces
  10. Image-based Rendering
  11. Non-Photorealistic Rendering
  12. Volume Rendering

The slides will be added after each lecture.

Lab sessions

  1. Lab session 1 (Introduction)
  2. Lab session 2 (Additional buffers and geometry)
  3. Lab session 3 (Optical laws)
  4. Lab session 4 (Anti-aliasing, Camera)
  5. Lab session 5 (Textures and illumination models)
  6. Lab session 6 (Geometries and triangle models)
  7. Lab session 7 (Final considerations)

The slides will be added after each lab session.

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