
Class Organization

* Readings

Lab Sessions

Polytech Extension

Raytracing Gallery

Lab Sessions Overview percent right percent edit SideBar


Computer Graphics Assignments

Please work in pairs. To hand in the assignments, each pair should e-mail the instructor a link (e.g., using DropBox,, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, or similar services) to a single archive containing:

  • A directory with source code of your raytracer project.
  • A separate directory with the Windows binary of your raytracer project (no object files, just the final binary), including a batch file/shell script to run the binary with all used options.

* A directory with source code of your OpenGL project. * A separate directory with the binary of your OpenGL project (no object files, just the final binary), including a batch file/shell script to run the binary with all used options. * Presentation file with 4 to 7 slides (even if you are late!!) showing both end-results as well as images resulting from mistakes. If you did a bonus assignment, do mention this in the presentation and include some images. Note that each assignment has a deadline!

Please carefully follow the following instructions:

  • Please e-mail a link to the archive (e.g., using DropBox,, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, or similar services), do NOT attach the whole file to the e-mail.
  • Each file that you e-mail the instructor should contain a readme.txt file with at least the week number and your names. Also, each source file should contain your names in a comment section at the top of the file (append your names to the authors list in the Raytracer framework).
  • Acceptable archive formats are zip, 7z (7Zip), or rar.

* The only acceptable presentation format is pdf (presentations created with PowerPoint or similar should be exported to PDF).

  • Source code (in the source code directories) should NOT be accompanied by binaries (except perhaps for third-party libraries where applicable); use make clean for example. The binaries for each project should be submitted in a separate directory.
  • Source code should at the very least be buildable using make on the normal lab computers (if you wish to check this remotely you can log in using ssh or, on Windows, Putty).
  • Source code should be commented. Don't overdo it, but if you have any non-trivial steps, describe what you're doing and why. This should occasionally include a (short) derivation of a mathematical result where necessary (for example when computing intersections), or a citation if you used an existing result.

Assignment schedule

IMPORTANT: Every assignment is due on the day before the lecture/practical session by the time specified in the first tutorial session (see the slides, checked by time stamp of the e-mails). Note that you thus sometimes (depending on the class schedule) have a little less than a week for each assignment.

Lab Assignment to be handed in before the followig lab Points
1 Raytracer: Raycasting & Phong illumination (1). 15
2 Raytracer: Normal buffer, z-buffer & additional geometry(2). 15
3 Raytracer: Optical laws (3). 15
4 Raytracer: Anti-aliasing & Extended Camera Model (4). 15
5 Raytracer: Texture mapping and alternative illumination models (5). 15
6 Raytracer: More geometries and 3D mesh files (6). 15
7 Raytracer: Final assignments: implement refraction, bump mapping, and parallel processing; if you already did one of these tasks as a bonus before, talk to the instructor for an alternative 10 + 10 + 10
8 Raytracer: (bonus) implement one of the other extensions. Bonus!
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