Interaction with Scientific Visualizations
Modern display and input hardware makes it possible to explore alternative ways of presenting and interacting with scientific visualizations. In particular, they can be advantageous with respect to immersion, feeling in control, somesthetic feedback, collaboration, and speed of input. We explore such interfaces that allow people to benefit from these advantages, in particular, for scientific visualization and exploration of data, such as in the following examples:
Selected Demos, Videos, and Projects:

Visualizing and Comparing Machine Learning Predictions to Improve Human-AI Teaming on the Example of Cell Lineage

LineageD: An Interactive Visual System for Plant Cell Lineage Assignments based on Correctable Machine Learning

Understanding Differences between Combinations of 2D and 3D Input and Output Devices for 3D Data Visualization

Design and Evaluation of Three Selection Techniques for Tightly Packed 3D Objects in Cell Lineage Specification in Botany

Towards an Understanding of Mobile Touch Navigation in a Stereoscopic Viewing Environment for 3D Data Exploration