Introduction to Tableau
In this tutorial, you will use Tableau software to process and visualize data.
Before the tutorial
Install Tableau. You can request a free license as students here. Please beware that it would take 1-2 days to validate your student status.
Getting Started
Download the datasets: Data
Reminder If you get problems in loading the CSV file, open the dataset in your browser, choose to open with Google Sheets, and then download the data in the TSV format. You could check that the data types when loading the data based on this.
- Get familiar with Tableau
- Questions to be explored:
- The factor of constraints on government powers (1) in different countries.
- Try to find countries with high factors in both Open Government (3) and Order and Security (5).
- The factor of constraints on government powers (1) in different regions.
- Create Dashboard for output.
Demo in the class