Assignment 3

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Assignment 3

Assignment 2: Interactive Data Storytelling

In the final project, your team will implement interactive data visualizations to turn your topic and the data into compelling storytelling.

Data storytelling is a method of communicating insights from data analyses through narratives and visualizations.

The team submitted four deliverables: 1) deploying the project on the web, 2) publishing your source code to GitHub, 3) a 10-minute presentation video, and 4) presentation slides.

If your team wants to change the project to something more interesting, please inform two teaching assistants to check the feasibility of the project.

Project Requirements

You are free to use libraries introduced in the class (i.e., Altair, Panel, Streamlit, and D3.js) or any code-based libraries (e.g., Bokeh, Plotly, Holoviz, GeoViews, PyVis). However, you are not allowed to use dashboard software (e.g., Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, QlikSense) for the final project.

The minimum requirements of your project are the following:

  • At least 3 different views/visualization components (e.g., 3 bar charts only count as 1 component)
  • Multiple views coordinated with linked highlighting. A click/hover/selection interaction within one view must trigger a change in a different view. At least 2 views need to be linked. Ideally, these views are linked bidirectionally.
  • At least 2 UI widgets allow users to filter the data or update certain views interactively (e.g., dropdown, radio button, range slider, calendar).
  • Interactive tooltips are shown when users hover over marks, at least in one view.

You do not necessarily build backends; only an index.html file should be enough. Your interface should be as self-explaining as possible, with appropriate labels for panels, axes, and widgets, a legend documenting the meaning of visual encodings, and a meaningful title and description.

Example of student projects

Video Presentation

The team should prepare a presentation video to describe your project and demo the tool. The video should be at a maximum of 10 minutes and uploaded to YouTube with public or unlisted visibility. Split the presentation so that everyone will take part in the presentation.

Your presentation will include the following:

  • 1-min elevator pitch
    • What does your project visualize? and for whom?
    • Why is the project interesting/important?
  • Project description
    • What is the motivation?
    • Who and what is your tool for, more specifically?
    • What are your research questions?
    • What is the data source used in this project?
  • Project demo
    • An explanation of what the tool shows. Describe why the encoding you used makes sense for the visualization in regard to your research question.
    • A demo of the possible interactions in the tool.
    • A demo of some of the most interesting things you found in the tool.
  • Mention a few limitations of your tool.
  • Describe briefly how each team member contributed to the project.

You may find this guide on how to record and upload the video to YouTube.

You are encouraged but not required to make the presentation video public. At least you need to set the publicity as Unlisted so that we can access the video.


What to submit

  1. On the submission form in Edunao, 1) provide a link to your presentation video, 2) a link to access your deployed tool on the web, and 3) a link to your source code in the GitHub repository.
  2. Submit the presentation slide. The presentation slide must be in the pdf format and submitted in the “Final_[Your team name].pdf” format. The last slide should indicate who did what in the project.

When to submit: The final project is due before April 15, 23:00.

Points for this assignment 60 points

Acknowledgement: We designed the final project based on the Visual Analytics course by Petra Isenberg and the Information Visualization course by Tamara Munzner.

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