September 2023
| The University Paris-Saclay's news service reports about the Test of Time Award we received for our work on the illustrative visualization of dense line data.
December 2022
| Our work on hybrid AR+PC environments to explore visualizations has been featured on Le Monde's Binaire blog.
December 2022
| In his blog, Michael Corell lists my talk on data biases and errors on social media data at IEEE as his favorite conference presentation.
June/July 2020
| Reddit Ask Me Anything discussions by my former PhD student Lonni Besançon in French and in English.
April 2020
| Our work on reducing affective responses to surgical images through color manipulation and stylization has been featured on Le Monde's Binaire blog. It was also featured on Wiley's researcher blog series.
December 2019
| My former PhD student Lonni Besançon gave a TEDx talk about our work on reducing affective responses to surgical images through color manipulation and stylization.
November 2018
| Our work on hybrid interaction (by my former PhD student Lonni Besançon) has been featured on Le Monde's Binaire blog.
March 2018
| Our work on stippling and, in particular, the tool StippleShop has been featured in Robert Kosara's visualization blog.
June 2015
| Our work on vispubdata (a collection of publication data for our scientific field) has been featured in Robert Kosara's visualization blog.
November 2012
| Our work on sketchy rendering for information visualization has been featured in Robert Kosara's visualization blog.
November 2011
| The Virtual Press Room for the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Fluid Dynamics showcases our depth-dependent halo technique for fluid flow visualization.
September 2011
| UK volume 41, number 6, international pages 2–3: The UK, the University of Groningen's independent weekly newspaper reported about our collaboration with the university's Visualization Center on creating interactive visualizations on their large touch-sensitive display wall; the article is by Rene Fransen and is entitled »One touch is all it takes«
April 2011
| Reuters has created a video segment about our collaboration with the University of Groningen's Visualization Center on creating a very large touch-sensitive display (not »the largest« as they claim in the video, but probably »the largest curved one«)
April 2010
| I/O Magazine volume 7, number 1, page 12: In an interview with Maarten H. Everts, the Magazine van het ICT-onderzoek Platform Nederland reports on the best poster award at SIREN 2009 for »Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data using Depth-Dependent Halos«; the article is called »De kunst van het weglaten« by Karina Meerman
November 2009
| My master student Pjotr Svetachov wrote an article in Periodiek 2009, number 5, pages 6–9 entitled »Uit het onderzoek: Spaghetti ontward« about our project »Depth-Dependent Halos: Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data« onto which he built in his own research
September 2009
| An image from my work on interactive non-photorealistic rendering is featured as the cover image of the Brochure Informatica 2010–2011 of the University of Groningen
May 2009
| My master student Luc Vlaming wrote an article in Periodiek 2009, number 2, pages 38–39: entitled »Touch Display« about our project »Presenting using Two-Handed Interaction in Open Space«
March 2009
| My master student Thomas ten Cate wrote an article in Periodiek 2009, number 1, pages 12–15: entitled »Overwinteren in Canada« about his master's thesis and internship in Canada which he did as a collaboration between the University of Calgary's Interaction Lab and the University of Groningen's Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics group
April 2008
| I wrote an article in the student magazine Brainstorm 2008, number 1, pages 6–7 entitled »Computer Graphics, but how to interact with it?« about my work on interactive computer graphics
January, 2008
| The Discovery Channel in its Canadian format »Daily Planet« reported about the digital tabletop display I worked on in the Interactions Lab in Calgary, featuring the responsive interaction framework and a bunch of applications I wrote
April 2007
| Eye on Ideas, the journal of the University of Calgary's Faculty of Graduate Studies, published an interview with me about my work in volume 2, issue 1, page 10. The article is by Nikki Croft and is entitled »Visualization Interfaces«