Non-Photorealistic Rendering

Master, 1st or 2nd year


This class introduces the topic of Non-Photorealistic rendering. This field sub-field stands in contrast to computer graphic's traditional and main focus which has been trying to emulate the photographic camera as closely as possible. During the last two decades, non-photorealistic rendering has been established as a new research direction that breaks free from this goal of (photo-)realism. As a research area it takes its inspiration from a long tradition of artistic and illustrative depiction. Applications arise, for example, in creating artistic imagery (tools for artists, animated movies, etc.) or illustrative visualization (techniques that are inspired, e.g., by traditional technical or medical illustrations).

The class starts by giving an introduction to the field while the second part involves presentations by the students on a chosen topic which they study in detail. To get a hands-on experience with state-of-the-art graphics programming, students implement (aspects of) their chosen topic, potentially exploring improvements of the method(s). In addition, the students each give a lecture/presentation about their topic and their implementation as well as write a paper about their results. Topics can be chosen either from a provided list of papers or by suggesting an individual topic prior to the selection date.

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Previous times taught:

  • 2014, University of Granada, Spain (block course)
  • 2013–2014, Polytech Paris Sud, France
  • 2013, University of Granada, Spain (block course)
  • 2012, University of Granada, Spain (block course)
  • 2011, University of Granada, Spain (block course)
  • 2009, University of Granada, Spain (block course)