Previous Supervision of Student Term Projects
- Adama Koita. Virtual Reconstruction of a Gallo-Roman Villa and its Expressive Visualization. Supervised together with Marie-Paule Cani.
- Arthur Azambre. Visualizing Muscle Simulations in Virtual Reality. Co-supervised; primary supervisors: Sebastian Rigling and Michael Sedlmair.
- Mathis Brossier. Molecular Visualization in OpenSpace. Co-supervised; primary supervisors: Lonni Besançon and Mathieu Linares.
- Pierre Surer. Hybrid Visualization with an Actuated Physical Display and Augmented Reality. Co-supervised; primary supervisor: Raimund Dachselt.
- Candemir Döğer. Interactive Visualization on Tablet-sized Devices.
- Basak Alper. Interactive Visualization of the Brain's Connectivity Information. Co-supervised with Jean-Daniel Fekete.
- Jan Paul Eikelenboom. Navigation of VR Spaces on a Touch-Enabled Large Wall Display.
- Evert Kramer. Presentation of the Exploration of 3D Visualization Spaces to Audiences using Touch Interaction on a Very Large Wall Display.
- Tijmen Klein. Direct-Touch Interaction for 3D Flow Visualization.
- Luc Vlaming. Multi-touch Interaction for Presentations using Inexpensive Consumer Hardware.
- Bob E. Dröge. Video Mosaics by Animating Tile Transitions.
- Pjotr Svetachov. Generating Sumi-e Paintings from Photographs.
- Joël van Neerbos. Rule-Based Generation of City-to-City Infrastructures in 3D Worlds.
- Thomas ten Cate. Optical Tracking at the HPC/V.
- Nico Ritsche. Effizientes Rendern beliebiger Materialien mit Hilfe von BRDFs. [Efficient Rendering of Arbitrary Materials Using BRDFs.] Research project.
- Angela Brennecke. Entwicklung und Implementierung von Heuristiken zum Vergleich von internen Skelett-Graphen. [Development and implementation of Heuristics for the Comparison of Internal Skeleton Graphs.] Research project.