Two-Handed Interaction in Open Space using the Wiimote
Bachelor project by Luc Vlaming
(:neo_flv-player (http:../personal/videos/)Vlaming_2008_PTI(.flv) width=320 height=240 startimage="../personal/videos/Vlaming_2008_PTI.jpg" -link:)
For this project a finger tracking system was created that uses the Wii Remote and gloves fitted with retroreflective markers. The hardware setup consists of the Wii Remote, an array of infrared LEDs, and a bluetooth dongle, in addition to a laptop and projector presentation setup. The project was aimed at enabling free-handed multi-touch interaction, where problems arise such as having to identify the fingers of each hand and to recognize pinching for interaction. The final system allows dual-»touch« interaction with videos, images, and slide decks, and is designed to be used for presentations. A paper about the project was published at Tabletop 2008. The project page has links to a downloadable binary demo as well as to source code. You can also download Luc Vlaming's bachelor thesis here.