Low-Cost Eye-Tracking-like Control of a PC

Bachelor project by Yuri Meiburg (Communication and Filtering) and Jan Kazemier (Hardware Realization and Interpreting Data)


For this project a head tracking system was developed, able to measure 6 degrees of freedom. Using the Wiimote as a stationary infrared camera, combined with glasses which have infrared LEDs mounted in each corner, the system is able to capture the movement of the head. Communication is done with an ordinary bluetooth dongle, and the program is written in Java. The program filters and interprets the captured head movements and maps these to mouse movements and clicks, to optimize integration in existing applications. This setup is interesting because it is relatively low-cost compared to existing solutions, and its use is extremely versatile. A possible usage is to add an extra dimension to gaming, by for instance mapping the motion of the head to actions such as looking around corners.

You can download Yuri Meiburg's bachelor thesis here and download Jan Kazemier's bachelor thesis here.

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